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Can educational activities raise children and young people’s interest in science and engineering?

On December 5, PhD student Laura Giese will be hosting a public seminar at the Department of Psychology about the factors that are behind gender differences in career interests.

Can educational activities raise children and young people’s interest in science and engineering? And how can they be developed to attract both girls and boys to a future career in technological fields?

In this seminar, I will present the example of “Tänk H20”, Sydvatten’s two-day interdisciplinary course about water issues that aims to increase Swedish high school students’ awareness of water as an important resource and raise their interest in working in the water sector. 

In my research project I am looking at factors behind the gender differences in young people’s interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and how interventions such as Tänk H20 can raise specifically girls’ interest in order to reduce such gender differences.

Laura Giese: "Factors behind gender differences in career interests" – Calendar

Laura Giese – Lund University research portal