Study Psychology

Psychology fascinates many people and can best be described as the study of human behaviour and experiences. Within our department, you have the opportunity to come into contact with the latest research and practice your knowledge in various projects. Whichever path you choose, you will be well equipped with a degree in psychology from Lund University and you are guaranteed personal development. A warm welcome to us!
Here you can read about programmes and courses, held in English, at the Department of Psychology.
Freestanding Courses
A set of single subject courses are offered and can be pursued at both intermediate and advanced levels.
Master of Science Programme in Psychology
The Master of Science programme in Psychology (120 ECTS-credits) provides specialisation and breadth in the field of psychology. The aim of the programme is to provide you with a Master's degree firmly based in current research and offering broad career opportunities. Within the programme, you have the possibility of selecting courses specialising in different fields of Psychology. Note that the programme is not leading to a licence as a clinical psychologist.
PhD Programme
The 4-year graduate programme (240 credits) is composed of coursework, and research leading to a dissertation. The students carry on work in their specialities within one or more of the six research divisions.
Training for professionals
Upskill yourself and your staff with Commissioned Education

Courses and Programmes in Swedish
Visit our Swedish website to get an overview of the full range of programmes and courses offered by the department.

Interested in Exchange Studies?
Whatever your programme or course, you have the opportunity to study abroad through one of the many agreements offered by the university. Take the opportunity and broaden your horizons!

Read about the Research divisions at the Department of psychology.